Applications are closed!
From one first author, no more than 5 reports can be uploaded.
How to apply for an oral presentation:
- Oral reports submitted for review through
- When adding a thesis, mark "I want to make an oral presentation."
General requirements for oral presentations:
- eports sent for review should reflect the purpose, materials and methods of the study, the results obtained and the conclusion — without tables and figures
- when uploading reports for review, there are restrictions on the number of characters - 2,000
- the text of the report should contain sections:
- job title
- surnames and initials of authors
- institution names
- phone and email address of the authors for communication
- institution emblem allowed
- the structure of the text of the abstracts of the report:
- materials and research methods
- results
- discussion
- conclusion / conclusions
- references to the used literature are possible
- Sports traumatology
- sports medicine
- Arthroscopic Surgery
- Orthopedic surgery
- Hand surgery and microsurgery
- New in the treatment of injuries and diseases of large joints
- Osteotomy of the lower limb
- Professional sports medicine
- Sports and stress fractures
- Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation Medicine
- Postoperative analgesia in orthopedic surgery
- Prevention and treatment of osteoarthritis
- Prevention and treatment of infectious complications in orthopedics and traumatology
- Prevention and treatment of thromboembolic complications in traumatology and orthopedics
- Radiation diagnostics in traumatology and orthopedics
- Diagnosis of injuries and injuries in sports